Lifestyle and Activities

With activity comes a zest of life.

Having an understanding of resident current or former hobbies and interests helps us support them to enjoy their life to the full.

We find people want to keep their mind active and the body too if it obliges.

We recognise everyone is different and we celebrate that which is why we offer varied programmes with different levels of engagement.

With activity comes a zest of life.

Our staffs work closely with each individual to ensure they are encouraged to make friends, keep their hobbies going and maybe to find new past times and interests.

As well as group activities, there is religious service and time is spent on a one-to-one basis with reading or just indulge in an enjoyable chat in reminiscence therapy.

Other activities planned at the care home to stimulate both the mind and the body includes:

  • Sit-down exercise and walk-about
  • Ludo, Mancala (Ayo Olopon)
  • Manicure and Pedicure
  • Visiting Entertainers and Clergy
  • Hairdressing
  • Cookery
  • Regular music and Dance session
  • Arts and Crafts Workshop
  • Aromatherapy
  • Draught/checkers
  • Seasonal themed monthly events
  • Residents are encouraged to remain part of the community and attend social events with friends and families as well as religious services outside of the care home

Important Information

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36-B W 1st Ave, Miller, SD 57362, USA

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+1 123-456-7890